Empowering Cabinetmakers to Succeed

Cabinotch machines rectangles and squares so cabinetmakers don't have to. We empower a low investment, low overhead, low or no debt business model so cabinetmakers can focus on sales, revenue and profits




Do You Struggle Getting, Managing and Keeping Good Employees?

Outsourcing reduces your dependence on employees, which in a tight labor market are hard to find, manage and keep. The business cycle creates a vicious cycle of hiring and training employees, and when you need them the most is when they are the least useful, slowing your good people down to train the newbies, only to have to lay them off about the time they are finally useful.

Do You Struggle With Too Much To Do, And Too Little Time To Do It All?

Managing a custom cabinet manufacturing business is tough, and when you're busy, it's even tougher. Outsourcing your cabinet components makes just as much sense as outsourcing your doors and drawer fronts made back when you made that tough decision.

Do You Struggle With Cashflow, Profit And Return On Investment?

The cabinet manufacturing business has changed drastically in the last 3 decades. The investment required to manufacture custom cabinetry has gone up by a factor of 10, not to mention the maintenance and re-investment (this new generation of equipment and software lives in dog years). Outsourcing empowers a LOW INVESTMENT - LOW OVERHEAD business model not available to previous generations of cabinetmakers, enabling you to make more money now and in the future.

Introducing our New Slab Door Offering

With Cabinotch Full Access Cabinets, you can now order a wide range of colors of slab door and drawer fronts. Check out the link below to learn more 

Face Frame Cabinets


Full Access Cabinets

FA Base Drawer Over Door

Dovetailed Drawer Boxes



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"We just started using your manufactured drawers and we are delighted with their quality. We want to again express our pleasure in doing business with Cabinotch Innovative Solutions. You provide a beautiful product line that is all American made and we are appreciative of that."

-Michael VanSant, VanSant Construction Company, LLC

“We build custom cabinets, and the Cabinotch system keeps us from running all over the shop cutting hundreds of pieces. Now we go to a bench with
a staple gun and a glue bottle. How amazing is that?”  

- John Homan, New Bremen, OH

“We love the locking joint in the face frame and the UV interior finish is great.”  

- Bryan Warren, Deland, FL

“Anyone who cuts all their parts will find Cabinotch to be a practical and cost- efficient solution. The quality is as good or better than what we built in our shop before we started buying the Cabinotch system.”  

- Steve Itrich, Cincinnati, OH

"I saw (Cabinotch) as an opportunity to streamline things around my shop. It helps me become way more efficient. I don't have to have as many people, and I don't worry about equipment breaking down."

- Justin Vance, Vance & Sons

“I got out of the cabinetmaking game because it was too much of a pain.  With your joinery and cutout services, Cabinotch has put me back in the game.  We did 22 Kitchens last year, and are aiming for 30 this year.  Thanks Cabinotch.”

- Kevin Gent, Gentry Custom Woodworking, Tacoma, WA

"We just started using your manufactured drawers and we are delighted with their quality. We want to again express our pleasure in doing business with Cabinotch Innovative Solutions. You provide a beautiful product line that is all American made and we are appreciative of that."

-Michael VanSant, VanSant Construction Company, LLC