Scrambled cabinotch® Full Access Library for KCD®
We have a good old fashioned mystery on our hands, and no one, including the fine folks at KCD® seems to know what happened, or even when it happened. It appears that some of our cabinotch® Full Access Library users have a scrambled library, and it does not appear that the weekly auto updates are capable of unscrambling those scrambled libraries out there.
The first question you probably have is, how do I know if my library is scrambled? Which is a great question, and one I hope I can help you out with. If your library does not look like this:
But instead, looks something like this (this is only a portion of the menu as it gets really long once the library gets scrambled, which basically means the KCD® Frameless Library and the cabinotch® Full Access library end up combined), and includes groups like Entertainment and Open Bookshelf:
Then you my friend have a scrambled library, and here is how you fix a scrambled library (close KCD® before you do this).
- Browse to your KCD® folder, then to the cabinotch® Full Access folder (C:\KCD\Cabinotch Full Access), then search or scroll down to the cablist.bak file, copy that file, and paste it to your desktop.
- Then go back to the cabinotch® Full Access folder and search for the cablist.dat file and delete it.
- Now go back to your desktop and rename the cablist.bak file to cablist.dat.
- Secondary mouse button click on the cablist.dat file you just renamed and Copy/Cut the file, then go back to the cabinotch® Full Access folder and paste the cablist.dat file into the folder.
Now if you go open KCD, your cabinotch® Full Access library should be fixed.